One of the things my husband and I have noticed after observing our three boys is that in our gene pool there is a dominant gene for persistence.
My highly scientific research has uncovered this genetic material in 2/3 of my children.

I am not even sure that persistence is a strong enough word to describe this characteristic. It is often referred to in my house with the word perseverance.
As in the children are perseverating.
This manifests itself in Ryan(9) in many ways. When the boy sets his mind to something, watch out.
This manifests itself in Rhett(5) in his line of questioning. His natural curiosity leads to a question which leads to another question which leads to a follow-up question which causes him to think of another question which leads…yep, to another question.
The problem is that the questions are complex.
Yes or No will definitely not suffice.
My head just hurts thinking about it.
Tonight in the bath he looks down at his leg and asks, “what is a leg for?”
To help you walk.
Isn’t that what a FOOT is for?
That helps you walk too.
Why do you need BOTH a foot and a leg?
The leg makes the foot reach the floor.
Why do you need BOTH an ankle and a knee?
The kinesiology just works better.
Do you think I could look at the bone in the ear?
STOP the madness. I need a nap.
I am not the only family member who feels like they are on a quiz show 24/7. This was evident last night when we were watching TV. The Venus razor commercial was on and I didn’t think Rhett was watching.
The advertisement ends with the slogan “reveal the goddess in you.”
Rhett looked up and said, “what’s that?”
Ryan quickly stated,
Rhett. Don’t worry about it. You don’t have it.
Hahaa, that is awesome.