Today we have printable thank you card for kids! Kids of all ages can benefit from these printable thank you cards. Not only are they colorful, fun, and cute, but these printable thank you cards are a great way to thank someone for their kindness. Plus, writing thank you notes will teach kids about gratitude and about being thankful. Something this world needs more of. Download and print these printable thank you card for kids and use them at home or in the classroom.

Thank you cards for kids- printed pdf files with 5 different thank you cards all colorful with designs- kids activities blog
We have 5 different thank you cards to choose from.

printable thank you cards

Kids can easily compose their thoughts with fill in the blank writing prompts. Today we have a free printable that will help with just that. Kids Activities Blog hopes that this Thank You Note helps your child learn to express their gratitude to others for gifts they have received. Click the button to download and print your thank you cards now:

There are 5 great thank you cards to choose from. Use them all, or use just the ones you like! There is one for everyone!

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Related: Make your own homemade thank you cards.

1. Printable Thank You Card: Colorful Circles

Thank you cards- page 1 colorful printed pdf file with circles and writing- kids activities blog
Let’s fill out the first thank you card.

This is our firs thank you card. Write the name of the person you are thanking, what you are thanking them for, why you like it, and don’t forget to sign your name!

2. Printable Thank You Card: Colorful Cupcakes

Thank You Cards- printed pdf file colorful cupcakes- kids activities blog
Those cupcakes look so colorful and yummy.

This is our second thank you card. Put the name of the recipient in the first line, thank them, tell them why it was great, and sign your name! Since this thank you card has cupcakes on it, I feel like this would be a great one for birthdays.

2. Printable Thank You Card: Polka Dots

Thank you cards- printed pdf file dark and light green with dots- kids activities blog
This one is small and simple, but still a great way to say thanks.

This thank you card is a bit smaller, but you can still fill it out with someone’s name, what you are thanking them for, why you are thank them, and your name.

4. Printable Thank You Card: Colorful Stars

Thank You Cards- rainbow stars printed pdf file- kids activities blog
This thank you card is covered in colorful stars.

I like this thank you card. It feels like it would be a great way to thank a teacher, a doctor, or anyone who has done something for you. You can write their name, say thank you, why you like what they gave your or did, and your name.

5. Printable Thank You Card: Colorful Cars

Thank you cards- colorful cars and a gray road printed pdf file- kids activities blog
Let’s say thank you with a printable card!

How fun is this thank you note card? Like all the others fill out the name, thank them, say why you are thanking them, and then sign it!

Download and Print Your thank you card Printed PDF File HEre

All of these cards are 4×6 inches and will print out on photo paper that is that size. Or you can print them on cardstock, whatever you choose to do.

  • Download the Polka Dot Fill-in-the-Blank card here
  • Download the Cupcake Fill-in-the-Blank card here
  • Download the Stripe Fill-in-the-Blank card here
  • Download the Car Fill-in-the-Blank card here
  • Download the Star Fill-in-the-Blank card here

thank you card for kids

  • For younger children, let them draw a picture, even if it’s just scribbles to send to the person who made the day special for them.
  • Take pictures of the child opening the gift. You can then use photo editing software to add a little thank you message to the gift-giver. The photo can be either printed and mailed or sent via email to them.
  • Older children could write an acrostic poem where each letter of the word starts the sentence. They could create their poem based on the words “thank you”, the name of the gift, or the name of the gift-giver.
Thank You Cards- 5 thank you cards decorated with color printed pdf file on blue background- kids activities blog
We have so many cute thank you cards.

No matter how it’s done, thank you letters not only teach children how to show gratitude, they boost the happiness of the person who recieves it  by making them feel appreciated.

Fill in the Blank thank you card for kids 

Birthdays and holidays bring many gifts for kids. I think that it’s so important to teach our children how to show their gratitude for getting these gifts. Even though Bear {4.5 years} isn’t quite able to write out his own, he is able to sign his name. Usually I have him narrate what he wants the card to say. Sometimes it’s on track with the “thank you” topic, sometimes it’s not.

That’s what makes these fill-in-the-blank thank you cards so helpful. I can read the prompts and he fills in the blanks (I write it, of course). But for older children, you can give them these to do on their own, which makes the gesture even better!

More Great Thankful and Gratitude Activites From Kids Activities Blog

Fill in the blank thank you notes make it so easy for kids to express their thankfulness. We hope this free printable will be helpful for your child. For more awesome kids activities, check out these great ideas:

Did you use these printable thank you cards for kids?

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  1. This is so great! It is so important for the little ones to learn how to show gratitude. Thanks for sharing it at the Less Laundry, More Linking party.

  2. Thank you – we might try them out soon as certain someone’s birthday party is coming up : Thanks for sharing with Afterschool!