ShareTweetPinShare0 SharesI truly believe that there aren’t many problems that can’t be solved by a good bath. It appears that my boys agree. And if a few bubbles are good, then more must be better. Yep. He is standing… ShareTweetPinShare0 Shares
I have always wanted a bath with that many bubbles but they always seem to pop too quickly! Great photos! Reply
He is standing how in the last pic? lol. Very very adorable. Those bubbles and little faces between them are picture perfect 🙂 Reply
I have always wanted a bath with that many bubbles but they always seem to pop too quickly! Great photos!
He is standing how in the last pic? lol. Very very adorable. Those bubbles and little faces between them are picture perfect 🙂
Holy cow lady! How did you get so many bubbles!?