For extra credit… Which picture above was followed by sputtering and screaming resulting in a motherly lecture?

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  1. The Dunk, of course! Is this your new pool? If so, we will have to send Stedman and the boys off and have a Cammie come visit and tweetup with some of my new DFW girl friends! If you can do it soon, I can drive the Chevy Malibu there!

    Actually, I could be REALLY bad this week and get sent to a “Mom’s Time Out” all the way in DFW!


  2. I’m guessing it’s the picture right before the dunking (#4 if you count the strip of water as #1). Your pool is beautiful!

  3. My guess is #4 – looks like a pic before dunking – we ALWAYS got in trouble for dunking – but maybe because my bro didn’t want to let go and keep me under water… oh sibling rivalry