Painting Christmas Craft
To add some diversity to your painting, consider gluing some salt onto your page first. It adds dimension and as the watercolors hit the salt, giving the page a bit of sparkle! It’s the perfect addition to a Christmas Tree Coloring page– automatic “twinkle lights.” Add pom-poms, sequins, or stickers as ornaments for your tree.Christmas Spelling Activity
For a spelling game, consider cutting out and painting the letters of “Christmas.” Your child can decorate their Christmas Dinner placemat with the letters. Have her trying to put the letters in order or see how many other words you can create with the letters C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S.Printable Christmas Craft Pages for Painting
Other Christmas Printables
- Decorate paper cookies – fun for the kids to make for Santa – or even to give to grandma.
- Practice Math – with a Christmas Tree Presents game. See how many presents are under the tree!
- Cute Christmas Coloring Pages – including one of Santa with presents, a Christmas tree, and gifts.
- Printable Recipe for Cookies – these are the BEST chocolate chip cookies ever!
Tell us about your favorite Christmas crafts in the comments!