Last week I went with a girlfriend to have our make-up done at a local department store. It was a very nice department store. So nice that I had never even been inside it.

We ate lunch at a chic bistro and walked down to Barney’s for our 1 pm appt. We were seeing Jeff who was a traveling MAC rep. and wizard of all things make-up. She sat down in Jeff’s chair first and I sat down for face preparation work with one of Jeff’s assistant. We were treated like queens and were laughing and joking so much that periodically make-up application ceased to allow us to double over. Jeff finished with my friend’s make-up and she looked glamorous. I sat down in his chair. He took a look straight in my face:
Jeff: *serious inhale gasp* Girl, who does your brows?
me: nobody
Jeff: *hand to heart, stepping back in horror* Can I fix that for you?
me: I’ll take all the help I can get
Jeff: *scrambling for tweezers* I used to shape brows and have in my mind exactly what you need
me: great
Jeff: *still scrambling for tweezers, now frantically* Where are my tweezers?

At this point a full on tweezers hunt in Barney’s was on. Jeff had left his out of his make-up bag. Every other make-up artist in the store was now searching fervently for their tweezers. When this resulted in no tweezers a discussion group ensued about where to go PURCHASE tweezers in the mall. Then Jeff had a light bulb moment:

Jeff: Oh, I forgot! I am in Dallas. My little button is just down the hall!

He raced to the phone and made a call. It was a fashion 911 call to his little button. He returned triumphant in the news. “My little button can fit you in RIGHT NOW, but we have to get moving.” So, Jeff and his assistant, my dear friend and I parade out of Barney’s little button bound. I have to admit that I had no idea what was going on at this point, but it was an adventure and I was obviously in serious need of this attention.

Little button turned out to be a very nice make-up artist at the mall Lancombe store who had worked previously with Jeff. She drew, waxed, plucked and primped the heck out of my brows and when she was done she spun my chair around and huge sigh of relief erupted in the room. I had been saved from my low maintenance ways. It was fixed. The make-over could now continue…

Which it did and when completed I looked super fabulous. Yeah!

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  1. I want to see you get a million more comments on this post (no matter how jealous that makes me…I mean, happy), so I’m leaving you one more!

    This post was fabulous, and so were the eyebrows.

  2. I’m so glad I came back and was able to see that AFF is talking about me behind my back AGAIN. Witch. WHATEVER!

    Does Jeff have any friends in Pittsburgh? I really am in desperate need of an intervention.

  3. LEave it to Silly Billy Burgh to beat me to it. Witch..who I adore! And, plan to have a commitment cermony with….