Today I feel like that 80s PSA: This is a brain. This is a brain on drugs. I am riding the highs and lows of my chosen drug, motherhood. This mind-altering drug creates emotional polarity. One event that prior to addiction would evoke amusement, now creates opposing, gut-wrenching reactions of elation coupled with horridity*. Why today to search my soul? Did I change my last diaper (Oh Lord that will be the day)? Did one of my children just get accepted to an Ivy League school (they are 2, 4 and 6 so please give me some time)? Did they form a committee and find the cure for the common cold (again, lets get some perspective here, 2,4,6!)? No, we have our first loose tooth. Yes, this is what has me spiraling on a mommytrip. That is how powerful the drug is. It has taken a low maintenance girl in the emotion department and created this monster-bear. Prior to children, I made fun of Hallmark commercials, now I tear up when I buy a card. Prior to children, I would sit with my mostly guy friends mocking the drama surrounding other girls, now I am creating my own drama and writing about it daily. Prior to children, life had some meandering, gentle bumps and curves, now I am frantically clutching the siderails on the ride of my life. Was it the pregnancy hormones? Was it the mother-child bond? Was it the adrenaline rush of the ride? What caused this addiction? For that I have no answer. For that I will have to search. For that I could start a local chapter of MA, Motherhood Anonymous. I don’t want to cure my addiction, but maybe learn to manage it. So what about the impending tooth fairy visit? Please, dear fairy, can you give me just one more day to adjust…
*I realize this is not a word, but someday someone will google it and find this and use it and then another and another and someday you will use it with full knowledge that you heard it here first.
word creation is so in. i do it all the time. i don’t think age helps much either because the older i get, the more weepy AND I HATE IT!!! tears are so wack.
Good times 🙂 It does go really fast and the tears just keep coming faster as the years go by. Oh, remember when you give money for the tooth, they expect that same amount each and every time! Be careful 🙂
i tried to buy a 1st birthday card today and couldn’t. i picked up two, walked around the store and ad to put them back. i just couldn’t handle it.
oh and you’ve been meme’d-link back to me to copy and paste.
I like the new word! I totally know what you mean….
btw, I can’t believe I forgot The Jeffersons!
Can you shoot me an email? na*******@ya***.com