Explaining the new normal to young children is hard to do. Many don’t completely understand the why behind masks, social distancing, and more.

Sesame Street has already had several episodes explain topics like coping with the coronavirus, belly breathing and calming techniques, and even a CNN town hall to answer kids’ questions about these topics.
In August, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood will also launch episodes to help kids learn more.

Premiering August 17th, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood will begin its fifth season with the special “Won’t You Sing Along With Me?” episode, discussing some of the challenges and disappointments “little tigers” and their families may be experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this episode, Daniel is sad to learn that he can’t gather with his friends for the annual neighborhood carnival and that leads to big feelings and questions for him. His parents use favorite songs from the show to help show him what he can do when he misses the people he loves, how to have fun when he is still at home with his mom and dad, and how to keep himself and others healthy and safe.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood has worked to develop this episode as a way to reach families with young children in an age appropriate way, especially those who may not have access to media via broadband connections. This season will touch on other topics to help preschoolers understand the changes that are happening in their worlds right now.

According to Paul Siefken, President and CEO of Fred Rogers Productions, the newest season will include “episodes about sudden changes at school, separation from family members, staying safe, hospital stays, respecting one’s personal space, disappointment, generosity, and grown-ups taking care of you.”
The newest season of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood will begin airing on PBS stations beginning August 17, 2020, with the first episode being the sing-along.