Some rainbows are posted with signs to delivery men and women thanking them, others provide uplifting messages about staying safe and how everything is going to be alright. In some areas, schools are asking kids to decorate a rainbow and put it in their window so that other kids from their school can go on a scavenger hunt. With so many kids missing their friends at school, this would be a fun way to connect, while getting in some exercise. How about starting a rainbow scavenger hunt of your own? The perfect place would be to post in your school’s Facebook group or you could also ask the school or PTA to post on their Facebook page. If enough parents signed up and said they’d love to join you, you could easily make a map showing the streets and houses where the kids should be able to find the brightly decorated windows.Italian children in forced quarantine are spending their time painting rainbows (with the caption “everything’s gonna be alright”) on sheets to hang outside and remind people not to lose hope. #TuttoAndrà Bene #EverythingsGonnaBeOkay
— Inner Room_7_11 ? ???? (@InnerRoom_7_11) March 12, 2020
#Quarantine Quality Time: Spotted this cute family doing a scavenger hunt in Queen Village! People put up photos of rainbows… a Facebook group maps them… and the kids have to spot them. ? ? A fun spin on #SocialDistanacing @6abc
— TaRhonda Thomas (@TaRhondaThomas) March 20, 2020