Chances are, you have read everything you can to learn about what is going on in the world right now. But have you thought about how to teach your kids about it? I am not talking about trying to scare our children but they should know what is going on. After all, they are a part of this too. Luckily, there are many amazing resources out there that can help us teach our children exactly what is going on. I’ve compiled a list of Resources to Teach Your Kids About What’s Going On and I fully intend to utilize these resources with my own kids.

Here’s The Entire List of Resources to Teach Your Kids About What’s Happening In The World Right Now

Scholastic Classroom Magazines – This website has articles and resources for hard-to-teach topics chosen by the editors of Scholastic Classroom Magazines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – The CDC has an entire area on their website dedicated to giving you information and steps you can take to talk with your kids about the virus in a non-fearful way. Adaptation Station – Resources to help explain coronavirus and school closing as well as the importance of washing your hands. Brain Pop – Engaging learning games, animated movies and activities. PBS Kids – PBS KIDS videos, games and activities are all about hand washing and staying healthy. Child Mind Institute – Tips on how to talk with your kids about what is going on. National Association of School Psychologists – Tips and guidelines for talking to your children about what is happening in the world right now.  Kids Health – A list of commonly asked questions along with answers to help guide you when talking with your children. Do you know of any other resources we can add to the list? If you are looking for some ways to pass the time, check out our ideas for being Stuck at Home Here. What the heck to do with them at home

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