It’s cold and flu season and now with Coronavirus cases on the rise, it’s only a matter of time before it hits someone near us. That also means it’s more important now than EVER to teach your kids how to wash their hands the right way. In fact, the CDC says that one of the best ways to protect yourself against Coronavirus is to “Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds”. the hand washing trick The problem is – we all know kids don’t always do that. Heck, a lot of adults don’t do that. Most people don’t even properly know how to wash their hands. Ugh. So, we HAVE to teach our kids to do it properly or just monitor them every time they wash their hands. Either way, this trick is GENIUS and can get your kids washing their hands properly every time.  

The Hand Washing Trick That Can Help Protect Your Kids Against Coronavirus 

Want to know a secret? You have to make it fun. I swear, my kids respond to things that are FUN more than anything and it makes sense. So, I tried this Kandoo Hand Soap that is colorful and lathers up with lots of bubbles – total game changer! I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have seen my kids come out of the bathroom with soap still on their hands, hands that are crazy wet, or even hands they didn’t wash at all! One day when my daughter was with my grandmother, she came out of the restroom all soap hands, and my grandmother in her infinite wisdom and patience sent her back in and told her to sing the alphabet. When the song was done, her hands were washed. The rules were simple, turn on your water, pump two pumps of soap, lather up (the Kandoo soap is brightly colored, so it’s easy for your child to tell when their hands are covered), and wash while you sing your ABC’s.
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The #1 MOST important part of keeping germs away is by washing your hands. Teach kids early to WASH. THOSE. HANDS! @kandookids, #washthosehands, #HealthyHabits, #MomLife, #DadLife

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  When you get to Z, your hands will be all clean and  you can dry while you sing the little ending. If you have little ones that don’t quite know their ABC’s yet, this is a great time for them to learn.  
How do you get a boogie wipe to dance? #boogiewipe A video posted by @hallecake on
I am telling you – the Kandoo Soap and singing the ABC’s is the way to go! Your kids are going to have FUN washing their hands and more importantly, are going to get the job done RIGHT and avoid getting sick. You’re welcome. P.S. This isn’t sponsored, it’s just something that worked for us so thought I’d share! hand washing

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