I love these wipes and if you cloth diaper – you should too! I’ve cloth diapered all three of my kids and there are parts of cloth diapering that are, say, less than pleasant. I detest scrubbing, soaking and any foul smells. These wipes make cloth diapering possible for our family and maybe they will help your family too!
I discovered by accident that this brand of wipes handles being machine washed really, really well! I’ve washed them ten or more times before they start to disintegrate. They are also larger in surface area than most other wipes and than the kissaluv and bummis brand disposable cloth diaper liners.
Welcome to Kids Activities!
My name is Holly Homer & I am the Dallas mom of three boys…
did i miss it? what brand are you using?
did i miss it? what brand are you using?
excelente triros mi zeires te intogiama vortadaro cafevo. astive te dincia agres nos ralfimos o aradim rento olituoso bien.
This it the best idea! You are brilliant, thanks for sharing!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Thankful Thursday =-.