Disney+ is already winning this season with their newest offerings, and the sweet short,
Float, is no exception. Float is the story of a parent-child bond and accepting one’s child, no matter the circumstances.

In Float, a father plays outside with his baby boy when the baby begins to float in the air. Panicked, the father runs inside to hide with his child, protecting him from the stares and judgment of others.
When they finally brave the outdoors at a park, the father tries to hide his floating ability when outdoors, tethering him to the ground. As they maneuver through the park amongst other families, the baby boy’s abilities come to light and the father must decide how to react.
Created by Filipino American animator, Bobby Rubio, and featuring Pixar’s first Filipino American characters, Float is Rubio’s pet project, dedicated to his own son who is diagnosed with autism. Rubio has stated that it took him years to tell his family’s story, but that he eventually felt the need to share it. Float sends the message of a special parent-child relationship and loving one’s children and embracing who they are.

The end credits dedicate the film to Rubio’s son Alex, saying:
Thank you for making me a better dad.
Dedicated with love and understanding to all families with children deemed different
It’s a message that all parents can appreciate, but especially those raising
special needs children.