Aside from her book, Dr. Emma Bryrne has had multiple talks around the world about this very topic. She believes that teaching children swear words, their meaning, context and even appropriate times to use them, help children fully understand the meaning behind the words. It also helps children understand when is the correct time to curse and even make better decisions on how or when they use those words. The idea isn’t only to teach them and allow them to use the words but more teach them how these words can impact other’s feelings and allow them to make that decision. She has an hour long talk that you can watch below if interested.“We’re often told that swearing is outrageous or even offensive, that it’s a sign of a stunted vocabulary or a limited intellect. Dictionaries have traditionally omitted it and parents forbid it. But the latest research by neuroscientists, psychologists, sociologists, and others has revealed that swear words, curses, and oaths, when used judiciously, can have surprising benefits.”
“The use of fleeting expletives doesn’t have any impact at all on their well-being, on their socialization… as far as we can tell,” Bergen said.The way parents handle swear words in their home is up to them but according to science, teaching your kids what they mean and the correct context to use them in, is important. Some parents allow their kids to swear only at home while others teach them swear words are only for adults. No matter how you handle it, it is best that kids KNOW what swear words are rather than be sheltered from them and then hearing them from their peers. Bottom line is – if you’ve ever dropped an accidental (or purposeful) f-bomb, your kid is going to be just FINE and you’re doing a great job as a parent.
I think anyone that encourages or defends swearing should receive the fruit of what they sew! Whatever you sew you shall reap! This idea is no different than the stupid idea of defunding police. Does this generation have any integrity, or the conviction between right and wrong? Apparently not, and will receive the fruits of their choices. Unfortunately the rest of the world pays for it as well.
Thank you for your feedback!
I totally agree. My husband often drops f bomb or other swear word! Often I remind him watch your language especially in front off our toddler! When the dreaded call from preschool came that our 4 year old dropped f bomb! Not directed at anybody or angry she saw snowing and she said ‘is f snowing again’ often this expression used by my husband!
The other day we were talking about hotel and how our expressions were. And I lip said WTF and to my horror my daughter said I know what you said and repeated what I said !! We discussed that is ok in front of us if she swears but not at school or in front off others!! She advised me she will not swear in front of others!! So I think it is right to say if child hear us swearing what right do I have to stop her to use in same way if she sees us using!
I want to say back in 2008 I decided that it was wrong to tell my child not to swear when I did all the time. I had a talk with my husband an we agreed that we should swear less, but not stop nor hide it from out child. To just use it without fear. We told other people who seem to panic not too. ‘Don’t curve your words or hide it. That the word the child will latch onto an use the most. Just say what your going to say it is ok’. As my kid was NEVER one of the kids swearing up a storm any wear. AN as she gets older we talk about ‘Now did you need to swear right now or did you do it cause you thought it be funny?’ the more we talk about it the less she uses it if she doesn’t need too. Not only have I proven to family members who children swear up a storm that my way was better. BUT I also have a better bond with my daughter because she knows I am not going to scream at her for using a word I MYSELF use.I was so happy to see this, as I still have people trying to tell me that I am ‘Wrong’ and how dare I let my kid swear. Who are my age. This made my day!