Mother’s Day is a day for a child to express appreciation and love to the women in the child’s life. One option is for the child to buy an inexpensive gift for the special woman (i.e. mother, grandmother, aunt, etc.). For many women, including myself, a
homemade Mother’s Day gift from a child can mean so much more and cost less.
Craft Supplies to Make Gifts for Mom
Before assisting a child with making a homemade Mother’s Day gift, it is important for the little one to decide what to make and discover what supplies are already on-hand.
Listed below are some items that may be needed to make a simple gift:
* Construction paper
* Scissors
* Crayons
* Markers
* Pencils
* Glue
* Scrap Paper, fabric, tissue paper
* Empty and clean glass jars, coffee cans, glass baby food jars, etc.
* Washable paint or finger paint
* Tape
* Popsicle sticks
* Disposable or digital camera
* Yarn or string
* Colored foam sheets
* Stickers
It is important to remember that each homemade gift will require different materials. If it is discovered that an item is missing; purchase items on clearance, at dollar or discount stores, or simply ask a family member for the item to save some money.
Homemade Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
Deciding what to make can be difficult since there are so many different homemade gifts that a child can make. Listed below are some ideas on what a child can make as a homemade Mother’s Day Gift:
* Homemade picture frame made with popsicle sticks, foam sheets, or construction paper (hint: include a current picture of the child or a picture of a fond memory)
Framed picture of child’s handprints (
idea: use child’s handprints to make prints on white paper and frame them; make sure to include child’s name and date)
* Decoupage candle holder (glue pieces of torn tissue paper onto a glass baby jar and let it dry; add a candle to the inside, Or put letters on it spelling MOM.)
* Make a
game to play with the family (Family time is so important!)
* Plaster of Paris of child’s hand (hint: can be used as a stepping stone for outdoors; some arts and crafts stores have kits for this)
* Scrapbook (use a small inexpensive photo album)
* Decorative shopping tote (find a plain cloth tote and decorate)
* Decorative glass flower vase (can decoupage it or paint it)

* Jewelry box (use popsicle sticks or decorate a small box from home)
* Coupon holder (use a small to medium sized box, decorate, and add index card dividers)
* Calendar with pictures of the child
* Card with a dress in their favorite color (turn craft paper into a 3-D skirt by doing an accordion fold).

* Memory in a Bottle (Find a glass bottle with lid and fill with items from a special trip, event, etc.)
Anything a child makes for the special woman on Mother’s Day will be appreciated no matter what. Remember to first look around the home to see what supplies are already there and then purchase needed items at a discount store or swap with family or friends.
There are so many things that a child can make as a special Mother’s Day gift.
Find more ideas here!
What about these wonderful
mother’s day breakfast in bed ideas!
how to make coasters to give as gifts.