- That you are holding your baby while you bottle feed. The beauty of breastfeeding is the close bond that is made when you hold your baby to your bare skin. Cuddle your bottle fed baby. I was tempted, many times, to pop our bottle-fed son in his car seat to feed him, because it was so much easier to have my hands and arms free. But I tried to resist that urge and hold him to feed him.
- That you are feeding your baby something that works with his/her body.
- That your baby is growing.
- That you feel relaxed and bonded to your baby.
bottle feed two of them. Our second son was born with hyperonicity (high muscle tone) and with low blood sugar. The nurses immediately started to give him bottles of special formula.
For the first four days, we did this, while I pumped. Our sweet baby never learned to breastfeed. I pumped and bottle fed him… for 8 months, but I still felt guilty for not feeding directly from the breast and for not continuing to pump for the full 12 months.
Why? I don’t know. I cried over it. I told people about it. I apologized to our baby for it. Why did I care what he took or how he took it when all that mattered was that he was growing?
If only I had figured out the truth…
Four kids and 10 years later, let me tell you the truth of the matter:
I honestly believe that if it is best for you, it is best for baby. I have friends that have formula fed and I have friends that have breastfed. Yes, we hear that breast is best and it is an amazing thing… if you can do it.
I felt such guilt over not breastfeeding our son.
However… Each of our kids have had over 20 ear infections before either were two years old. My friend that breastfed her two girls: not one ear infection.
Two of my children have needed my help with speech (I am a therapist). My friend with one son: no speech delays. One of my children had such severe allergies that he was hospitalized numerous times for dehydration from the constant vomiting. My friend with three sons: no allergies.
All of this is not to say that yes, while breastfeeding might be what is suggested and what is encouraged, it is OK if you can’t do it, because those kids are certainly no less healthy than the ones that are breastfed.
If you feel guilty about not breastfeeding, this is for you. You see, we have four children and I tried to breastfeed all of them… I couldn’t.
I had to