By our fourth delivery, I knew
what to really pack in a hospital bag. With our
first baby, I had everything under the sun in my hospital bag, but by our fourth, I was down to the “must-haves” and I was so much better off because of it!
What to REALLY Pack in a Hospital Bag:
- Toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, deodorant, toothbrush
- Makeup for those first few pictures
- Hair Ties for the delivery. I can’t imagine having my hair down during the birth.
- A nursing tank top (I bought them at Target)
- A big t-shirt (your breasts will be engorged and you’ll be glad to have a shirt that is a few sizes too big… I wore my husband’s biggest t-shirts for comfort)
- Comfortable pants (I used gaucho pants)
- Old underwear that you can throw away in a week and a few sports bras
- A roll of quarters for the vending machines (for your husband) & maybe a few granola bars.
- Don’t bother bringing books. I bought a brand new book and it was the last thing on my mind… save it for your beach trip when you will actually be relaxing.
- Laptop
- Camera
- Phone
- Chargers
- Lip gloss or chap stick (you’ll need these)
- Flip flops – I hated walking around in bare feet, but I didn’t want to put on slippers (it was summertime), so I bought flip flops at Old Navy for $2.00 and wore those all weekend. I threw them away on my way out of the hospital (I wasn’t about to bring those hospital germs home!)
- Your breastfeeding pillow – better to learn with the pillow than to have to re-learn when you get home.
- Sleeper for your baby and a “first picture” outfit. Reminder: your baby probably won’t fit in the newborn clothes like you think he/she will. I took a tutu for our daughter & a cute outfit for our 3 sons. I ended up folding the tutu all around our daughter to make it look like it fit… and I had to send my husband out for preemie outfits for our sons because the newborns were huge on them.
- Pacifiers if your hospital is pro-breastfeeding (some hospitals won’t give out pacifiers. Luckily, ours gave them out like crazy and we came home with four!)
- Don’t pack diapers, ice packs, pads, bottles, etc… you will get more than you need and will probably bring a lot home.
Remember that you aren’t going to be there forever and soon you will be
home with your new sweet baby… enjoying some cuddle time.