Solutions for when your child cries about everything:
- “Many times you will see this in children, where they will behave in school, but misbehave at home. Try to think of it as your child feeling so loved by you that s/he knows they can show you their absolute worst (after holding it together all day) and know that they are still loved.” ~Sarah Flood, Teacher
- If he watches TV, let him watch shows that teach good morals, like Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. Limit this screen time.
- “Behavior like this is completely normal. When he cries, give him the words he needs….”looks like you are mad that the tablet ran out of battery, here let’s charge it up”…..stating what is obvious to you is not yet obvious to him. ” I know you are not happy about getting ready but we need to get to the store, getting ready right now is not a choice” ~Lynn Buck
- “Kids these days are all about instant gratification. If something doesn’t go their way, they can’t handle it. Kids are so use to technology providing them with constant stimulation that they don’t know what to do on their own. It is something to think about.”~Debi Hall
- Cut back on electronics for a week or two. Maybe even go cold-turkey for a few weeks. You won’t believe the change!
- Is he getting enough sleep? My own child was waking 4 times a night, every night, even at the age of five. We had to have a sleep study just to find out the true cause of the night waking (which would, in turn, cause the lack of ability to control his emotions.)
- “I have 3 kids, ages 13. 17 and 23. Not one of them were given any device, no cell phone until the Christmas of their 6th grade year. Even then, it was a basic phone, no internet, no touch screen. If they wanted a better phone, they earned it. Good grades, helping around the house, manners and patience. Children learn by example. If you set the tone by giving them what they want, when they want it… they will demand more and more, and they will expect that from everyone who enters their life. Nothing wrong with teaching them about being out doors, getting dirty, and sharing/playing without technology. Kids who always get instant gratification will never learn the value of patience, or earning what they have.” ~Mary Lagace LeHerissier
- Go for whole foods. There is something behind this. Cutting back on chemicals is worth a try.
- ” I find my four year old acts like that when he’s had too much sugar in his diet. Not like in a day but over the course of a week or so I really have to cut back the granola bars n juice. Also some four year olds don’t nap but certain times of the year like now busy busy they need extra sleep. I lay in bed with him rub his back or legs n sure enough out cold for a couple hours. I think it helps they’re little body catch up.” ~ Zarah Prasad Khera
- Explain things to him (Why he can’t have a snack before dinner. Why we must turn the TV off, etc…)
- Talk about different feelings and emotions.
- Look into sensory processing disorder. While it may not be this, it is always good to be aware of this and either research it further or rule it out.
- Try a set routine. Do the same thing around the same hours of the day. Bedtime, dinnertime, playtime. Try to be consistent, to show him what to expect.
- Give him some things that he CAN control, like what he plays with during quiet time or what he wears when he gets home from school or what book to read before bed.
- Read books about sensitive children or spirited children.
- Try using activities like coloring, painting and drawing to calm him.
- Do whatever you feel you need to do to help your child through this, to help your child be joyful and happy.I know that this can be hard. Use these years to help him learn to handle his little problems now, so he can handle the bigger problems later.
- Teach him to talk his way through it and ask for help.
- Join us on our Facebook page, where we talk about raising responsible (non-entitled) children, being happy mothers and many other parenting issues that arise on a daily basis. It is a place where we can all help one another.