There are a lot of tips, advice and even scientific research done about how to become a happier parent. You have probably read and heard most of those. But how many have your really tried and set a commitment to be a happier parent? That’s right, we need constant reminders and inspirations to keep our positive thoughts going. happy parenting Yes, all those happy parenting tips seem so easy and very primitive. But I know myself that they are not easy to keep up with EVERY DAY. I have good news though. If you do this (follow these tips) for quite a while, they will become your lifestyle and you will become a happier parent. So let’s start. 1. Be fun. You don’t have to put your clown hat every time you are with your kids, but one joke here and there would really make kids laugh and everybody (including you) would benefit from it. 2. Enjoy the moment. Your child is making his first steps? ENJOY! Don’t let piles of dishes, emails and other stuff take you away from this precious moment. 3. Let the small things go and sun will shine brighter. The other day my daughter wanted to wear summer dress and winter boots. I started to make a big deal about it, but then it came to me, that she will soon realize that it’s quite a silly idea. In fact she did. As soon as we hit the door. 4. Find ME time. I know it’s not easy, especially if you are a stay at home parent. But here is how I find ME TIME every day at least for 3 hours. It’s important for your self inner growth and renewal. 5. Create family traditions. Honestly, I don’t know what we would do without them. It definitely adds a big role to making this whole parenting thing much easier and happier. Family traditions have to be simple, easy and most importantly enjoyable to everyone. Here is the list of 14 family traditions that you can incorporate into your daily life. happy parenting tips 6. Don’t try to be perfect. The year I threw my daughter birthday party a la Pinterest, was one of the most stressful weeks for me. Also, for my entire family, because I was stressed, I wasn’t happy. And no one else was happy. This year, we had the loveliest birthday party with basically no planning. We played games and just enjoyed each other. Those 157 colorful things that I spend 2 nights cutting out doesn’t really matter. 7. Start the day right. This morning routine has made me a much much happier parent. The day I skip this, I fail as a mother, wife and a human being. 8. Stare at your children when they are asleep. I often do this and it helps me to settle a day and kinda bring up a piece in case we had a rough day. I look at them, touch their little hands and feel so grateful and HAPPY to be a mother. All the troubles and hard time that we had during the day are wiped away instantly. 9. Find what bothers you most and do something about it. Is it dirty sink or the bed that you didn’t make this morning? For me, it’s the dirty kitchen. If I have this part of the house clean, I think I got it all perfect! It’s easier for me to play with my kids or even relax for a minute or two. 10. Be grateful. Every night, as we sit down at the dinner table, we talk about what made us happy today. I adore hearing my kids say that they loved the lunch I made or the craft we did, or even a super silly joke that I cracked earlier that morning. This really makes me one happy mama. 11. Put down the parenting books.   You’ve had enough! You’ve read it all and know it all already. Now, try to follow your parent intuition and things will get better. After all, who knows your child best, if it isn’t you. happy parenting tips 12. Work on your marriage (or a relationship you are in with your partner). Yes, this is part of happy parenting. 13. Have a hobby. Being very passionate about something will keep you motivated to learn and explore other things in life besides parenting. This is also a good example for your kids. 14. Appreciate your children for what they are. Don’t expect your child to be perfect every day. Don’t ever compare your children to others. Find their best features and try to empower that. What does make YOU a happy parent? Please share on our FB wall. I am sure all the other parents will appreciate it. become happy parent  

Want some more tips to be a happy parent?

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