- Rest – I know, that seems impossible sometimes but maybe it’s something simple like turning the TV off early tonight and going straight to bed or even leaving the dishes for tomorrow. Being well rested means you are able to be more patient and more yourself, which is always a mommy-win! As moms we spend so much time taking care of every one else and we sometimes feel guilty when we want to care for ourselves too! Make you a priority in your life, not just your kids. Take care of yourself so that your children will learn to do the same as they grow older.
- Find Yourself – It is all too easy to lose you in the midst of motherhood. I think most of us go through seasons of lost and found, but if you find yourself lost today, take the time to reflect and find something that you enjoy to do for you. I am always inspired by the way Angela England, mother of five and accomplished author shares how she reclaimed her name. Finding yourself and finding something for yourself doesn’t mean the kids have to sacrifice anything, it just means they get a happier, more fulfilled mom who has a multitude of passions and love, not the least of which being themselves.
- Apologize – If you’ve lost your cool with your kiddos or made a mistake, take the time to pull them aside and apologize for what you did. This will teach them so much about responsibility and deepen their relationship with you as well. We all have those moments when we say things out of anger or use a tone that no child deserves, but how we react after the moment of weakness is where our children will learn how they deserve to be treated, and a simple “I’m so sorry for doing that, you were frustrating me but I should not have responded in that way”, can make a huge change in your relationship with your kiddo. Read about how my 2 year old rocked my world the first time I did this with him.
- Smile – It amazes me how much a simple smile means to my kiddos. When they catch me watching them play with a smile on my face it seems to light up their entire universe. Knowing that mama sees and is happy with them. Add some extra smiles, even on the hardest of days and it just might change the entire mood in your home!
- Find something – Find a new way to connect with your kiddos. Do something they LOVE, even if it’s something you hate. Be it learning to play video games or taking your daughter to the mall with her friends, or even playing trains and legos one more time. Find ways to connect on their level to show them how much you care!
be a better mom.
Whether you feel like you are the best mom ever, of if today could have gone a whole lot better, there is room for improvement in each of us, and I know we never want to stop striving to be our best, both for our families and for ourselves!
While the road to be a spectacular mom seems to be an impossibly long one, it’s good to remember that there are simple steps we can all take today to be a better mom tomorrow.
I think each of us has the burning desire to