- …put two pom-poms in at a time and count by twos as he puts them in.
- …ask him to count by ones and watch him learn number correspondence as he relates each number to a quantity.
- …ask him to put all of the yellow pom-poms in the bottle first.
- …ask him to find the biggest blue pom-pom, and then the smallest blue pom-pom. Compare the sizes.
- …ask him when the bottle is half full. Discuss how he has half-left to fill.
- …give him extra fine motor skills and ask him to remove the pom-poms. Give him tweezers if he is three years old (or a confident 2 year old) to grip the pom-poms and pull them out.
Two year olds love a task… and I love not having my pom-poms all over the house!
When the pom-poms find themselves scattered all over the floor your tot will come to the rescue.
Look at that concentrated look on his face! He is working hard.
Even the big pom-poms fit through the hole if he pushes hard enough.
Add some learning to his play.
Ask him to…