Congrats to Susan of
Giving Up on a Clean House, she is the winner of these preschooler books! Thanks to all for participating!
We love to read at the Quirky Home, our favorite books that are whimsical and encourage our kiddos imagination! Today we have a giveaway of two hardcover books, perfect for Mothers and Father’s Day! The first book we have is
Just Like Mama, by Leslie Newman. In
Just like Mama kids read about some of the fun moments we share with our kids, slurping our spaghetti, playing dress-up, having tea parties, etc. This book would be great to remind your daughter of those special moments you shared as well as inspire you. Bored? Maybe you can think of a fun activity to do together . The other book is,
Because I am Your Daddy, by Sherry North. In
Because I’m Your Daddy they discuss a number of different whimsical “jobs” that Daddys have and how he is your kids hero. My son’s favorite line in the books is, “If I were an explorer, I would guide you through dark caves.” My little fella loves building caves and playing with flashlights!
Today we are giving away both books to one lucky winner. Thanks Abrams Books for sponsoring today’s giveaway. Check them out for more great books for your children to enjoy! Contest ends Thursday night, April 22nd. Winner will be chosen randomly.

What you can do to win these preschooler books:
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My son loves his Peek A Boo Puppies book!
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