Our kids have “sulky” days occasionally.   Here are some of the ways we have helped our kids snap out of the blues and wear a smile! 12 smiles Make a Smile Crazy kids activities for active kids. Let them be silly. Be rambunctious. Make Pipe Cleaner Disguises to put on – take photos of each other. Create a family festival – here are a bunch of comical activities sure to make your kids giggle. We have a collection of jokes that will make your kids laugh, hysterically. Surprise your child!   …With a fight.   Give your child a bag of marshmallows or cotton balls.   Let war begin! Make silly straws – connect a bunch of straws together and drink from a distance. Decorate silly faces on a sticker and use them to decorate toothpicks on your child’s lunch. Best Pranks for your kids – here are a bunch of ways that you can surprise your kids with a prank. …and if that were not enough, here are a dozen more pranks for kids – make them giggle! Look forward to April Fools dayTell a knock-knock joke to your preschooler Have a hug fest.   Try and find all the different ways that you can give each other hugs. Here are 100 ways to demonstrate love to your child and put a smile in their hearts. . Have you shared a smile recently?   We’d love to hear about it!

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