Yeah for Friday!

Today’s installation will be a little potluck, A LOT Fight the Frump. Please join the worldwide tour by visiting our precious tour guide, Fussy.
Last night blog-Stedman and I went shopping. I was in desperate need of some clothes to adequately cover my shapely body. I was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with what I was wearing…almost a little exhibitionistic. Blog-Stedman was there to help me with the technical aspects of shopping. The shopping trip began with a good set of jeans. I chose them in a dark grey color so they would be a little different, but neutral. I then chose an embellished T-shirt that could be dressed up or down. It was the footwear that caused the marital discord. We seemed to be in an argument over what shoes I finally chose. I was happy with my current athletic gear and he preferred heels. Heels? Heels? Try walking a mile in my shoes now… I finally relented when he made the very good point that we were only VIRTUALLY shopping for my Rock Star Avatar and I wouldn’t ACTUALLY have to WALK in them. I feel better now that during rock concerts my
only three biggest fans won’t be ogling me in a denim skirt that barely covers the essentials and fishnets. Rock on.
One of the books I am currently reading is “Just Try it On” by Susan Redstone. I thought this was an interesting tidbit for modest shoppers:
“If you are the type of person who prefers clothing that shows less skin, even in the warmer months of summer, pick as much of your summer wear in the spring as possible because by July the clothing in the stores becomes very skimpy because of the hot weather.”
If you have been up nights worried about what I wore to last week’s play date. Pictures and a report are posted
Well, I am off to get dressed. I have no idea what to wear. The weather pattern here has been 80 degrees, snow, 70 degrees, SNOW AGAIN!, so I guess if the pattern holds I need to pick out a nice pair of shorts to go with my winter coat…
Great one, as usual.
Fussy ~hearts~ June Cleaver!
May I suggest cut-off shorts, a tiny t-shirt, a flannel shirt and hiking boots? I wore that in college all the time and felt dressed for all weather. Oh shoot, are the ’90’s over?
ROFL! A nice pair of shorts to go with your winter coat. OMG that made me snort.
I like the idea (and had never thought of) a pair of grey jeans.
I would like to see picks *raising eyesbrow, wonder if I will get to see these grey jeans and new shoes”.
I was going to suggest the shorts/winter coat ensemble.
You can’t go wrong.
HAHAHAHA! Good one! So cheeky! Shopping for your avatar – too funny.
You went shopping with the spouse?! You are brave. And, yes. This weather. UGH