December Activities, Lowe’s and their Creative Ideas and building the anticipation for this fun holiday!
Today we are counting down to Christmas with our DIY chalkboard and a collection of 27 Christmas Activities.
Like our chalkboard? We do! We were blessed with a new home with TONS of wall space. Nice empty walls.
We found the frame, broken on the side of the road during our neighborhood’s bulk trash pick-up. The glass was cracked and one of the corners had separated. Time for a visit to Lowe’s, our blog sponsor, to see if there was something we could do to rescue it and re-purpose the picture into wall art.
The Lowe’s Assistant found us some clamps and wood glue, and then helped us cut a piece of thin plywood to replace the glass. We painted the veneer with several coats of green chalkboard paint and now have a terrific surface to help us “Count-Down” to Christmas!! Each morning the kids are super excited to come downstairs, erase the number and re-write the new number of days remaining. Then we rip off an activity and see what fun Holiday event we’ll do together that day.
Do you have any fun traditions with your kids?? Please share!! Link up your favorite kids activities in our weekly meme, It’s Playtime. Many thanks to our hosts: Hands On: As we Grow, The Imagination Tree & Let the Children Play for co-hosting this with us each and every month!!
Here are just a few of the activities that were recently linked up:
Clock wise: Two of Everything, No Numbers Advent Calendar. Puppy Love Preschool, Pocket Calendar. Tinker Lab, Slide-out Paper Calendar. At Home with Ali, Envelope Calendar.
Thanks to Lowe’s Creative Ideas for sponsoring our blog and the It’s Playtime Linky this week. Check out their page for more tutorials.
Happy Linking – and please note, by linking up you are giving us permission to use one of your images, here, on facebook, on Pinterest, etc. and link back to you for the inspiration!!
We love Christmas. We love Welcome to Kids Activities!
My name is Holly Homer & I am the Dallas mom of three boys…
Thank you for featuring our Advent Calendar!