Incorporate some fun strategies for reading to make learning exciting for your child.   The reading process can be enhanced with several of the great ideas in this activity.   A love of books and starting to read activities are found throughout the pages of Kids Activities Blog. strategies for reading

Strategies for Reading

Books can be a wonderful place to read and discover new lands and concepts. They can also be a wonderful place to seek and find learning skills and strategies for reading. Books house pictures, words, and numbers that are filled with concepts that children need to learn and review. A pointer/viewer is a great to tool to take when you are going to seek and find in a book. We made a simple one with an apple theme by cutting out an apple shape and then cutting a square window in the center of the the apple. Once all the cutting was done the apple was placed on a popsicle stick.

Reading Process

A book is filled with tons of information. Being able to point to a word using the stem of the apple or isolating it in the apple’s window can help a child focus on the words one or two a time. The child or parents can simply glide the apple across the page.   The viewer can also be used to find picture clues on page. The child can be asked questions about a picture and place the window over the answer to the question. A child could also be asked to count the number of apples in the little girls arms. The apple’s stem could be used to point to apples as they count.   There are so many fun ways to use the apple window in the reading process. If a child needs to work on reading with flow instead of word by word, the apple can be turned sideways and the child can place the stick under the text  and pull is across the page as they read.

Starting to Read

Two other seek and find activities you can do using the apple are to look for numbers on the pages and to look for words that contain a special phonemic element. After reading a book, children could be asked to look for words with a certain vowel or constant sound. They would also be asked to look for words in a certain word family like the -ow or -ill family.  A running list of words you have found could be recorded on a piece of paper.

More Kids Activities

Strategies for reading can make a world of difference in how easily a child learns to read.   The reading process is complex but Kids Activities Blog has lots of wonderful ideas to help children learn how to read:

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  1. I reached this page through an article “Great Books for Boys”, but never came across any list of books. Love your site though

  2. I LOVE this strategy! I will be using it w/our struggling readers in our after school program at church. It’s hands-on, active, clever and makes reading fun for readers that need extra help. Brilliant idea 🙂

  3. Great Idea! My daughter loves the I-spy window usage on book. We use a Pasta box cardboard with the window to spy the words.