I am a lover of paper. I love three ring binders filled with paper that I have printed out, and I love
using a binder to organize your home.
I am an avid user of binders. And I am not sure I will ever change… I honestly prefer paper to screen.
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Our household binder holds so much of our lives in it’s three hole punched pages. I have seen many tutorials of what to put in a
household notebook, or how to print the pages just so, but the ones that always helped me the most were the tried and true posts about what people use every day and exactly what is in their notebooks.
So I am going to tell you what’s in mine.
What is in my Household Notebook?
There are 9 sections in my household notebook.
1. First is the
front pocket and the
pencil case. In the pencil case I have tons of
page tabs,
highlighters and
pens. Along with a
ruler and a
pair of scissors.
2. The second section is my
calendar. You want one with lots of space so you can write in it.
(The next three sections are the chore sections. I have one, The Man has one, and the kids have one. We all have printable
chore charts.)
My chores. For a long time I have gotten mine from
Motivated Moms. I print mine out on the 29th of each month and they get three hole punched and put in the binder.
The Man’s chores are broken up into days he works, and days he doesn’t. Of course, on the days he works they are very limited. He always has to put away the clean laundry and dishes. The other days I get to add on to the ‘honey do’ list. But I try to be reasonable.
The kids chores are the last section. I have the master list and they get a half page print out of their daily chores that they get to mark off. I print these out the same time I print mine each month.

6. The next section is
meal planning. Each week I plan our meals from the food I get from the market on the weekend. Then we make a shopping run for everything else on Mondays. I have my menu templates all printed out and three hole punched in this section (I print 4 or 5 each month with my chore charts).
I also keep all of our old menus and menu ideas behind the new templates.
7. This section is for
Doctor and Vet visits. I keep all of our medical records (including pets) in this section. Once a year I clean it out and separate the recycling and the records storage. This section has been in use a lot as we have just moved and found new doctors and vets. It was so nice to be able to look back on it and see when Taio had his last Rabies shot, or we had our last dental cleaning.
8. This section is the
car and house repairs. Mostly this is a page with a pocket for receipts, but I do have a page with dates for oil changes, smoke detector battery changes, furnace cleaning, etc.
9. The last section in my
notebook is my
journal and notes. Everything and anything else goes in this section.
That’s it. I really do use it every day. Binders are a handy way to keep track of your life. I love this easy
binder organization system for bills and mail, too!
More Organizing Printables From Kids Activities Blog
Check out these
free organizing printables from just a girl and her blog!
Val is homeschooling Momma to three kids. Check out her personal blog for more tips and all things crunchy!
Great! Thank you for the interesting idea. Looking forward fresh ideas.
Wow! How organised are YOU! I thought I was being clever having a notebook for weekly meal planning and shopping lists which have saved me about $100 per week in wasted food and unnecessary purchases. But this is amazing and something I can only hope to aspire to. Well done!
I have a binder that I use too! I haven’t updated it lately b/c my Mac broke, but I love your ideas!
Great post! I love having a daytimer or some sort of paper tool to keep my life organized.
I am in some serious need of organization..I love the binder idea!!