Kids love Santa. I mean, it’s part of the magic of Christmas!

So, how would your kids feel if they could get an actual phone call from Santa right before Christmas? I know mine are going to freak out!

Well, your kids can get a Free Call from Santa! The best part is, there is no app to download!

Related: 25 Days of Christmas Activities for Kids w/ Printable Calendar

How to Get A Free Call From Santa

Free Santa Calls are not anything new. However, over the years most of the calls would require some sort of app download or some sort of sign-up in order to get a free call.

But I found the PERFECT solution. No apps. Nothing to sign-up for. Just a quick call from Santa himself!

All you do is head over to the Christmas Dialer website.

You then choose you want Santa to give your kids a call and input your phone number.

Now, before you click “Send a free call now” make sure you are ready to answer because they will call you immediately and the message starts playing as soon as you answer.

So, have your kids nearby and ready to listen to Santa!

Santa will call and say:

“I’ve heard you have been trying to be good, but sometimes you get into a little trouble. Just try your hardest to do what is right so I can bring you something very special for Christmas. On Christmas eve I’ll be flying all the way from the North Pole to your living room. My reindeer always get hungry so I hope you’ll remember to put out a carrot or two for them. Remember to be good! Merry Christmas my dear!”

Keep in mind you only get 1 Free Call per phone number but if you want to do it again, you can pay for a credit which costs about $1.99 (not bad if you ask me).

So, head over and get your kids a Free Call from Santa and remind them, he’s always watching to see who’s naughty and who’s nice!

More Santa and Christmas Fun From Kids Activities Blog

  • Did you know you can watch Santa and his reindeer at the North Pole? Watch with this Santa live cam!

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