Look we aren’t saying we don’t want your daughters to dress up for Halloween, we’re just saying that we want them to dress up like KIDS for Halloween, a sweet princess, a charming bumble bee, or perhaps even a spunky pirate. Not like they’re headed to a party for twenty-somethings. We need to talk about this scary trend of Halloween costumes– and I don’t mean scary Halloween costumes.
What’s the deal with these scary Halloween costumes?
It’s no secret that young girl’s fashion is headed down a slippery slope as it attempts to incorporate a more adult look into every day wear. It’s like they want to go directly from rompers to low-rider jeans and push-up bras. So, of course that’s also happening to Halloween costumes.
Red riding hood, which I usually think of as an innocent costume choice for a young girl, has been transformed. Gone is the image of a little girl on her way to visit Grandma and conquer the big bad wolf. In her place stands a version with a super short skirt and knee high socks. Pirates are a popular costume choice, but these are just as bad. Last time I checked, Pirates didn’t need a bustier.
I am not saying Halloween isn’t a fun time of the year to escape and dress up as your favorite characters, but what I am saying is– have little girl’s costumes gone too far?
Maybe it’s time we skip the stores and make some
DIY Halloween costumes instead.
I agree that this is a scary trend; a very slippery slope for young children who are being treated as mini adults by the morally eroding mass media. So sad. I think one of the best “weapons” against such blatant denigration is to surround our children, especially daughters, with like-minded friends. Peer pressure speaks volumes more than a parents’ refusal to allow for “trendy” garb sometimes. I am ever recounting the old proverb of the frog in the slow-boiling pot, and I truly believe we did not get to this point over night. Some of the things we parents deem as “harmless” like the sexual overtones of MotoMoto in Madagascar 2 or the woman about to fire a gun at her lover in the opening scenes of Ratatouille could potentially be nothing less than a segue to a less guarded, more calloused society as a whole. Actually, I’m pretty certain some folks are already there.