Have you struggled to figure out how to organize all the usernames and passwords that come with your child’s sudden homeschool online learning experience? With the sudden increase of home or online schooling due to Social Distancing, over a week, like many other parents, my husband and I were suddenly thrown into a situation where we are both working from home and having to guide our children through their schooling at home. Almost overnight, or during their spring break, teachers were thrust into the challenge of figuring out how to teach their students from a distance and mostly online. Schools also faced the challenge of “how do we get internet access to the families who do not have it available at home?” 

Girl working on paper at computer

For some, this has been a fairly easy transition. Some schools already had online resources like Canvas or Blackboard in place with heavy usage by their teachers and students. However, there are still plenty of classes around the country who were not prepared for this big move, and teachers had to scramble very quickly to figure out how they were going to get curriculum and assignments in the hands of students. While at the same time, parents are anxious trying to figure out how they will work from home and make sure their children will complete their assignments at the same time. In our case, we have a very active Kindergartener who struggles to focus and is quite the extrovert, along with a three year old sister who while is different is also quite social..even our dogs are extroverts. It’s certainly going to be interesting practicing this social distancing thing with them. So far on our outside times I have to run behind the Kinder kid every time a neighbor walks by saying “REMEMBER SOCIAL DISTANCING!” 

Then came the emails….emails with usernames and passwords for several different resources such as iStation, Seesaw, BrainPop, Kahn Academy, online textbooks, etc. Suddenly, parents all over social media were feeling even more anxious at how they were going to make this work and keep up with all these usernames and passwords, then also keep up with which resource should be used when. 

In an effort to organize my own child’s usernames and passwords, I developed a password organizer using Google Docs to organize platforms, usernames, passwords, and screen names if needed, plus a notes section to add information about additional resources. When I finished my chart, I figured there had to be other parents out there who still need an option to organize their children’s usernames and passwords, or perhaps there is an ANGEL of a teacher out there who might feel compelled to fill one of these out for each of the children in their class. 

Download here:

Feel free to print and post it in your at-home schooling area or save a digital copy to your desktop of your computer! 
Hopefully this helps make life at least a little easier for you while we all embark on such an uncertain journey. 

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