Has this ever happened to you? You’re reading a fun book along with your child, get to an exciting or pivotal point in the story, and your child asks a question that makes it clear they had NO IDEA what was really happening all along.
It’s easy to overestimate a child’s comprehension of what they have just read- to think that just because they have read the words (or heard the words when you are reading to a younger child) that now they have the content.
10 Ways to Help your Child to Read
Here are some thoughts from our family’s experience: 1. Read lots and lots– So much comprehension skill comes through simple practice. 2. Talk about the story. Share your favorite part of the story, least favorite, and things that puzzled you. Ask your child to share his or her thoughts. 3. Read the same book multiple times. If you find a good book that is just a little above your child’s comprehension level, try reading it once a day, five days in a row. I have been amazed at the difficult books a child can understand with a little repetition. 4. Ask questions. Tell your children at the beginning of the book that you will be doing this. Turn it into a fun challenge. “Let’s see how much you remember!”5. Ask the child to narrate the story back to you in his or her own words. Compliment them when they include a detail or show especial insight.
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Ooh, thanks for sharing. Our daughter reads quite well, but sometimes her comprehension is a mixed bag. We’ll definitely give these a try!
Those are some great tips and ideas! I have a 6yr old in kindergarten and she can and loves to read. And while I’m proud of her, I was more concerned about her understanding what she read. Thanks for sharing!