Some moms in Philadelphia are, and it might be the best thing ever!

Temple University Hospital has begun distributing baby boxes to each new mother who delivers in their hospital (40 so far) in order to help reduce infant mortality rates. Not only are the boxes stocked with baby bling (onesies, safety information, feeding tips…), but each box also functions as a bassinet complete with mattress and sheet.
The best part? These boxes are being given to the moms free of charge, thanks to donations, grants, and hospital initiative.

Think the idea of putting babies in a box to sleep is weird? Think again!
Finland has been doing this since 1937 and in doing so has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world.
While some moms and families prefer to co-sleep, and have studied up on it and taken precautions to protect their infants, some families don’t have a choice…or, babies are placed in cribs that haven’t been properly safety-guarded against things like pillows, stuffed animals, and thick blankets. These boxes give those families a safe place for baby to sleep that is portable, compact, and economical.

Right now, Temple has funds available for 3000 births – about a year’s worth, and they hope with public awareness this program might spread to other hospitals, as well.
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