Is your recycling bin overflowing? Mine is! Here are four ideas of ways you can turn your trash into treasure – or at least half an hour of play and exploration!

Melissa over at The Chocolate Muffin Tree (one of my favorite blogs!) used the lid of a dish soap bottle, an old CD and a balloon to
make a hovercraft. I’m sure this will be a huge hit one rainy day in the future!
Jaime, my partner and co-host of the It’s Playtime link-ups added
a tutorial on how to use cans to create a unique and musical windchime. It looks great!
Cathy over at Preschool Play used old buckets, kitchen pans, tubs and other discarded items to create an
outdoor musical station for her kids. I bet her kids love it, I know mine would (even the neighbors wouldn’t :).
And every parent of toddlers and early preschoolers has gads of diapers leftover from when either they outgrew a size or that the kids got ahold of and tore the sticky parts off, or whatever… Andrea of
Jada Roo found a use for those spare diapers and had fun doing a science experiment with her kids. I bet they loved squishing the silica!
Those were my favorite posts from last week’s link ups, I featured a number others on the
Quirky Momma facebook wall – and hope you will have fun browsing the posts that are linked up over the next few days – I know I will!
It’s Playtime weekly link-up is featured on the following blogs – check them out to see the different
play-themed posts they are featuring:
* Anna :
The Imagination Tree
* Jamie :
hands on : as we grow
* Rachele :
Messy Kids
* Jenny :
Let the Children Play

How to Play :
* Let us know you love us, make our day & link back to us in your post/blog.
* Visit on Thursdays. Link-up a post about play. Your link will show up on each of the blogs in the
It’s Playtime community.
* Each hostess will pick posts to feature. (By linking you are giving us permission to use an image and link to you)
P.S. Printables, giveaways and reviews will be deleted, we are trying to keep this link-up party about playing with our kids.
Thanks for featuring me here!