We’ve been doing a week of pranks over here, in preparation for April Fools.   I don’t know who likes the pranks more, the sibling who “does” the prank on their sibling, or the kiddo who is the “receiver”.

Today’s Silly Prank for Kids was a balloon pillow.

Balloon Pillow prank for kids

Silly Kids Prank

We filled about ten balloons half-way, so they had a lot of flex, were harder to break, and were small.

Our goal was for the balloons to be roughly 4 inches wide in diameter… some were slightly bigger.

Then my “pranker” pulled her sister’s pillow off the bed, and out of the case.

She giggled so hard as we blew the balloons up, tied them and stuffed the pillow case with the balloons.

Then my pranker carefully re-made her sister’s bed with the balloon pillow… just in time for naps!

Related: Easy April Fool’s Day Breakfast Frozen Cereal Prank

Balloon Pillow prank for kids

Note:   We did this with our girls who are “growing out of naps” and who are old enough to be alone with balloons without fear of them putting the balloons in their mouths.   If you are concerned even slightly with your kids putting balloons in their mouths, you will want to supervise this nap time “prank”.

Very little sleeping occurred in naps today – they were too busy building memories as they “slept” on balloons!

lots of pranks for kids

For more, check out 13 of the best pranks for kids!

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