When I was a child, I had a secret place that only my best friend knew about.  We kept notes there to each other.  It was fun to look and see if something new had appeared and leave a note to be found later. I adored letters – both writing and receiving. My kids are different.  My oldest son prefers quick, cryptic texts as a method of conversation.  I find my phone in his hands all the time texting dad or grandma.  My middle son communicates best through drawings and story-telling and leaves artwork all over the house that has special meaning.  My youngest is going to be in the middle of whatever is going on, no matter the mode. Because each kid communicates differently, it is really exciting to see the launch of the new VTech Kid Connect App.  I was asked to work with VTech to get the word out about this app! Kids Activities Blog is really excited to be a sponsored part of all the fun. Secret messages are getting a makeover! New Ways for Kids to Communicate - Secret Messages Get a Makeover

What is the VTech Kid Connect App?

The VTech Kid Connect App is available with the InnoTab 3S learning tablet!  It is an app that parents can install on their smart phones and then communicate with the child’s tablet – anytime from anywhere using wifi. It is set up in a secure communication between the app {or two tablets} where families can safely communicate and stay connected.  Only parents can approve friend requests. Kids as young as three can send messages like:
  • texts
  • voice messages,
  • animated stickers
  • photos
  • and drawings
Parents and siblings can respond back and keep the conversation going. VTech Kid Connect App - Kids Activities Blog When kids set up their account, they take a picture of themselves and then choose a costume to wear – bear, ballerina, superhero, princess or knight – to use as their avatar. I adore how parents get a sneak peek on what is happening at day care, grandma’s house or with the babysitter! My oldest son could have started his texting career early!  My middle son would have been able to send me instant drawings.  My youngest son could have texted, voice messaged, sent stickers, sent photos and summed it all up with a piece of artwork! Each InnoTab 3S comes with a one year free subscription of Basic Kid Connect which includes the text and stickers features.  A Premium Kid Connect subscription is available in VTech’s app store offers the enhanced features of voice messages, photos and drawings.

More About the VTech InnoTab 3S

The VTech InnoTab 3S is the only kids’ learning tablet with VTech Kid Connect.  It also has a child-safe web browser, rechargeable battery and 20 free apps.  The price is only $79.99. Find where to buy a VTech InnoTab 3S because it makes a really fun gift for kids that the whole family will enjoy. Keep connected with VTech through their FB page:
You can also find VTech on Twitter (@VTechToys), Pinterest and YouTube. I just adore how technology is giving families creative ways to stay close! Thanks so much to VTech and SocialMoms for supporting Kids Activities Blog.  This post is a part of a paid blogging program.  The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.

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