Developing fine motor skills is one of the most important skills a preschooler can work on. Today we have a preschool painting activity that is fun for young kids but also helps to build up those important hand muscles that they need to use in learning how to write.
Fine Motor Skills
Strengthening hand muscles is important for young children to be able to dress themselves, pick up their toys, and use utensils properly. As children get into preschool and are approaching kindergarten, the muscles can continue to be strengthened in order to improve pencil grip and control of a pencil as basic steps towards getting ready to write their letters. This simple preschool activity uses paint, cotton balls, and tongs. Simple household items that can really make painting fun and unique for a child.
My daughter used the tongs to pick up a cotton ball and dip it in the paint. She loved using the tongs and feeling the cotton ball squish up and down in the paint. Then she continued to hold the tongs as she rubbed the cotton ball around on the paper.
Let your child use a separate cotton ball for each color of paint. My daughter enjoyed just smearing paint around as she got used to controlling it with the tongs.Once she got used to the feel of the tongs in her hand and the cotton ball on the paper, she began to get more creative with her art work and painted a flower.
It was a fun activity for her and she didn’t even know she was giving her little hand muscles a work out too.