We had the pleasure of joining our friends at the Fort Worth Symphony’s Kinderconcert presentation of Green Eggs and Ham recently. Kinderconcerts are part of the educational programs that are provided by the Fort Worth Symphony. They are geared to ages 3-6. greeneggsandhamaudience The concert was 35 minutes long – I want to thank those in charge of this program for addressing the needs of their wiggly audience by creating a concert of the perfect length. It started with an overview of the instrumental sections. Each section of the Orchestra had on a different color shirt so the kids could identify what instruments went together. They then played snippets of music related to different emotions. And then on to Green Eggs and Ham which was performed by two singer/actors accompanied by the orchestra. It was cute and well done. The kids watched with attention. More information about the educational concert series by the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra can be found on their website.

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