This morning I was packing Reid’s school lunch while Rhett(4) was eating his oatmeal.

Boy thinks it tastes like feet

I put in his thermos of water.

I added his snack.

In went his sandwich and drink.

I grabbed a small pre-packaged bag of fruit snacks for dessert and was about to place it in the lunch box when Rhett said, “Don’t send those.”


They taste like the bottom of Ryan’s feet.

How would you know?

Ryan asked me to lick the bottom of his feet.

Way more information than I needed.   I was just asking how he knew they tasted bad.

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  1. How funny! I have been there, in your shoes, so many times! With 5 boys in our house there is never a dull moment! Boys do some pretty silly things, don’t they? 🙂

  2. The sad part? I think my girls smell/lick each other’s feet way too often. I will too frequently find them WAY too close to their sister’s foot in the bath. Thank God they are in the bath, so the foot MIGHT be sort of clean at that point. Kids are weird, man.