You know the holidays are upon us when the barrage of catalogs begin! Does it seems like we get these earlier and earlier every year? I probably say that every year too! I got this stack in just one day — at it’s not even Halloween yet!

I can remember growing up my mom use to let my sister and I shop the Sears Catalog. It was huge, had everything we could have wanted and it took hours to go through. The Sears Catalog has been replaced by thousands and thousands of store catalogs. So now I have to shop several stores before I can come close to finishing my holiday shopping. And there is actually a website dedicated to catalogs. I couldn’t believe this. Go to to find just about any catalog you want. It’s big business.
My 5 year old daughter has already figured out what catalogs can mean for her. She has gone through all of them and picked out what she wants. And she helps her 3 year old brother pick his gifts too. Gotta love the holidays! Honestly between the catalogs and the TV commercials, I will be happy when we finally send our Christmas lists to Santa!
Do you use catalogs to shop for the holidays? It’s a great guide to what’s available before you shop aimlessly in stores or online! Don’t get me wrong, I love the holidays but wouldn’t it be nice if Christmas was more about giving and less about “things”?