What blog post would you want someone to read if they were ONLY going to read one?

Please link to YOUR post below in Mr. Linky!

I recently fell in love with a fellow blogger.
She has three boys. I have three boys.
She blogs. I blog.
She animates* her life. I animate my life.
*it should be noted that her animation is much more HIGH TECH and she has mad Photoshopping skillz

She writes Three Boys One Mommy and she graciously allowed me to re-run my favorite post of hers…
(you may click on the image to make it larger)

A True Story about Screech and Paper Cuts

And now it is your turn!
Please link DIRECTLY to YOUR BLOG post that…
You would want someone to read if they were only going to read one.

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  1. Finally added one–I decided to go with java journey. I am kind of embarassed about the carpet/paint one because we STILL have the carpet–crunch, crunch 😉

  2. This was a GREAT idea! Of course, I’m a few days late. Oh well. I’m always fashionably late. I might have to borrow this fab idea of yours. 🙂