I got a bill in the mail last week from an electrician that came out to fix two undercabinet lights in my kitchen and to see why the puck lights in my cabinet were burning out in a day or two. When I arranged for the appointment I got up under the cabinet to read off all the information on the light fixtures to the electrician so he knew what he was getting into. It took 3 weeks for someone to finally show up (no-showed twice and then showed up unannounced). When he got there he didn’t have what he needed so he left and came back that same day. He ended up changing 5 lightbulbs, but didn’t fix the undercabinet lights because he needed a part–he did change the lightbulbs there which is pretty useless since they don’t work. He said he would be back with the part 3 weeks ago. I got the bill…$279.50! They charged me 3 units of labor for 2 men to change 5 lightbulbs. I, of course, called to question the bill and guess what?? No one has returned my calls! So, back to the age old question…how many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb?