We have teamed up with a few phenomenal bloggers to form an online community at Blog Frog,
Mom Loop! There will be five bloggers and their followers discussing, well, whatever. Come get to know us and let us get to know you, our readers! I’ll be on there along with:
Shannon from Milk and Cuddles. Shannon is mommy to an adorable and precocious toddler I am so impressed that she vlogs! Her blog covers everything from hot topics with raising kiddos, make-up tips and some of her favorite (and incredibly yummy looking) recipes.
Jdaniel4’s Mom from
Jdaniel4smom. D is mommy to a fascinating preschooler. Her blog has tons of great mom-orriented giveaways and posts about some of their fun learning activities.
Liz from – Belle, bean, chicago & dog. I love Liz! She’s guest posted on Quirky Momma before and I love reading her blog about family and life with two beautiful girls!
Nicole from –
Activity Mom. Nicole’s blog is the most “like” mine, so if you love and follow QM, be sure hop on over and check her out! Nicole blogs about learning activities she finds and uses with her son.
I look forward to getting to know you, my readers, through the new
Mom Loop community! Are you a blogger who wants extra exposure? Our community might be just the place! We will be giving away some premium memberships to BlogFrog throughout the month of May to several of our top participants in the forum.
I wish I could, but I am already too addicted to online life. Can’t afford yet another distraction from reality 🙂 Maybe it would make sense to merge yours with We Teach – http://www.weteachgroup.com/
.-= Natalie´s last blog ..The Art Box “ April 26, 2010 =-.
Mom Loop…I love it, what a great idea. I’ll be over later tonight. I gave you an award on my blog. 🙂
.-= Lori´s last blog ..Blog Award =-.
I love everyone’s post! And I’m getting tons of email for discussions in the forum!
.-= liz´s last blog ..Mom Loop Community: Welcome! =-.
Things are flying on Mom Loop! Today is going so well!
What an exciting and fun morning! I am already SO impressed with the fun and informative conversations going on at Mom Loop! I just know it is going to be such a great place to give and get support from other moms! I like the way your brain works Rachel!! Thanks for letting me be part of your baby! 🙂
.-= Shannon´s last blog ..New Forum Community: The Mom Loop!! =-.
Yahoooo what an excitind day! Hope to see your readers over at the MOM LOOP!
.-= The Activity Mom´s last blog ..Introducing "Mom Loop"! =-.