It is not too late to have Santa visit your  Christmas event. He is visiting our family Christmas party and we are so excited to see the look on all of the kids faces.

Santa For Hire will come to your home and visit the children, take pictures, sing Christmas songs, read T’was the Night Before Christmas, and even pass out a few gifts if mom and dad arrange the details ahead of time.

To make a reservation / schedule a visit with Santa:

Please call or email (214.998.1826 / [email protected]) Check out their website at You will need the following information: ~Date / Time of Visit ~Your name / Party Name ~Party Type ~Approximate number of people attending and their ages ~Place of Visit ~Santa’s Entrance / Activities Desired ~Contact information (billing and for day of visit if different) ~Any special instructions / requests ~Payment information (how you would like to pay, not the exact information) If you have any questions, please ask!   If you do not know your exact details, please call and we’ll help you plan your visit.
They have over 25 years of experience in entertaining children, delivering gifts, and bringing loads of holiday cheer! Check them out.

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