The following conversation took place in my living room this morning while I was standing on the couch above Rhett (2) taking pictures:

Why did you bring all the diapers out to lay on?

My bed.

Why diapers?

I hate diapers.

Why do you hate diapers?

I am a big boy.

Yes you are!

Big boys wear unnerwear.

Yes they do!

Do big boys need binkys?

*reluctant handing over of the pacifier*


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  1. You are SO CLEVER! Genius, perhaps!

    Don’t quote me on that. Well, you can if you want. It is true!

  2. Hey, I understand this. I can only give up one vice at a time too. My pacifier is chocolate and I will NEVER give that up.

    Cute pics of him on the diapers! HA!