She will receive a brand, spanking new copy of the hilarious book, “Sleeping with Ward Cleaver” written by Nirvana friend, Jenny Gardiner.
Today is Angie’s blogoversary…and she won something last week at Jen’s place. I would think things were rigged if I didn’t know the tight Nirvana security.
Yes, I realize that I have once again completed a daily post. This Blog365 thing is really irritating. I CAN’T QUIT YOU! Even when I try…please save me from Meg who is now coming to kick my…
You go girl! I’m rooting for all you Blog 365’ers!
Kudos to you for 365.
I think my brain would have been fried by now. WTG!
Congrats to ANgie – very nice that she won!!!
Have a good weekend Holly – see you soon – Kellan
First-time visitor here, just came over from JCK at Motherscribe. What is “WPT”?