Potlucks are on MondaysWelcome to the world’s first sponsored potluck. These days everything is sponsored and I didn’t want potluck to feel left out! So without any further ado, let’s welcome the product who has taken a giant step forward for potlucks EVERYWHERE…

Pledge ® Multi-Surface II Antibacterial Cleaner

*standing ovation* Please watch for additional information below! holly is living better through pinterestThis is probably my favorite thing ever…    
    …I am designing and entire house around it {in my head}. It is the Maria S.C. lamp designed by Pani Jurek made from chemistry test tubes featured on Design Milk. Ever since we built our home close to 7 years ago, I have been obsessed with light fixtures.   It amazed me how many light fixture CHOICES you have to make when building a home.   Every single light in the entire house has to be picked out.   Even those super ugly fluorescent ones I have in the garage. What seemed to happen was that I would be REALLY good about making creative, thoughtful choices in the first hour and 1/2 of my lighting store appointment and then toward the end of the appointment it was… WHATEVER! I don’t care! It just needs to turn on! potluck storytime with HollyI was going through my pictures…all those pictures. This was taken several years ago in downtown Fort Worth.   It is a dog, cat and mouse all living together in harmony.   I thought I would make an inspirational poster from it.   Kinda like the kitty hanging from the tree limb that said “Hang in there” that used to grace the walls of my teenage bedroom: Why Can't we all get along? And now for something new… Pledge potluck banner updated with II Did you know that Pledge ® Multi-Surface II Antibacterial Cleaner can kill 99.9% of germs {when used according to directions} on delicate surfaces that until now could not be cleaned with an antibacterial cleaner?   Now I can dust all of my delicate hard surfaces with peace of mind they won’t be ruined! Let me show you!
Also, check out Pledge.com for more info. when Holly writes elsewhere potluckRhett and I have been having a little ocean-themed fun over at Quirky Momma lately. We first learned about what floats in salt water vs. tap water: Salt and Water ExperimentAnd then we played a math fishing game: math fishing gameAll in all it was a super fun afternoon exploring the ocean from Dallas. Indoors. What is in Holly's Fruit Bowl?We are nearing potluck end. Please, stop your sobbing… There is no crying in POTLUCK! Let’s cheer you up by itemizing the contents of Holly’s Fruit Bowl:
  • A pen from a recent hotel visit {you CAN take the pens, right?}
  • The barrette I haven’t seen in a week
  • 3 faux bananas
Happy Monday!   May today be one of those “get along” kinda days.

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