It’s MONDAY! You know what that means…POTLUCK!
Go Monday.
Go Monday.
It’s your potluckday.
It’s your potluckday.
Go Monday.
Go Monday.
It’s your potluckday…

Today’s potluck is all about the buzz of “The New Media”. There has been lots of wise women blogging on this topic lately. And you know me, I can’t refrain from jumping on a bandwagon. C’mon…there’s a band!

I first would like to make some observations about the “old media”. Wow. That doesn’t sound so good. Wouldn’t want to be them. They really should try branding that better. Where was I? Oh yeah, observations. These are some random observations by me, part of the new media (yeah) about commercials currently showing on the old media (boo):

*I don’t know if anyone can answer this question but it has been burning a hole through my brain (not hot enough for me to Google, but warm enough to mention it here)…Does anyone know the last phrase in the Silk shaving lotion jingle? This is what it sounds like: Looks like, feels like, TASTES like real silk. I am assuming that the TASTES like real silk isn’t what they were going for because really, who eats silk? And I really don’t want my arm pits and legs tasting like silk after I shave.
*Blog-Stedman brought my attention that the new Skechers commercials for kids are using what he thinks is my life philosophy as their tag line: Look cute. Have fun.
*I am going to use capital letters here because it requires emphasis. WHAT IS WITH THE OVERLY GRAPHIC COMMERCIALS PROMOTING MEDICAL SOLUTIONS TO MALE SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION ISSUES? I have had it with these. Thanks for the education. I don’t recall signing my KIDS up for your class. The whole “birds and bees” talk is now unnecessary because the boys have been exposed to these commercials… That is all I am going to say. But I could say more. MUCH. MORE.

To help erase those images out of your head…it is time for everyone’s some people’s a few people’s a dear reader’s Holly’s favorite new Nirvana feature:
Sweet Potatoes. Top that Old Media.

I laughed REALLY hard at Betsy’s shopping trip with her husband.

Last week I was working on some interior design art projects that were installed on Friday. I was worried about them. All my creative power had been channeled in that direction which explains My Friday verbal jump off the blog bridge. Thank you for all your sweet words. I am good. This is one of the things that I came up with in real life:

These are nine 2 ft. x 2 ft. canvases hanging in a playroom. In person it is yummy in scale taking up an entire wall. One of my client’s boys had voiced that pink was his favorite color. Mine too. I think this allowed pink into the room in a very manly way.

You might want to head over to The Blissfully Domestic Baby Shower in honor of Fussy. She is due pretty soon…so hurry!

In an effort to get with the “new media” program, I am analyzing trends of the trendsetters who use the new media. This week I received 9 people who googled, “1479b8c8b6afd4ed1117dbbb5aa15b456f7f26756fbd9ffa”. Wow. I have never thought of googling random numbers and letters. Good for you trendsetters. You have really earned that name. I am just proud to be the recipient of your trendy traffic. And to prove how worthy I am for such trendy traffic, I received one dear reader who googled, “thank you for participating in the potluck”. No, really thank you.

See, here at the “new media” we are able to ebb and flow to the public’s needs instantly. Try that Old Media. Try getting a thank you for YOUR potluck. Oh, you don’t have a potluck…

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  1. I may not get here on time, but I always get here for your Monday Potluck! 🙂 Too cute as usual.

  2. Egads the ED commercials. You simply cannot watch sports anymore without a few dozen of those. It must be a pretty rampant problem. Now I just pictured it.