Yes, Friends of Nirvana the bondage called Blog365 has been broken. Holly is now free to blog at her own pace. Let’s all circle around, join hands and have a little Kum by Ya chorus. Oh, I am so kidding….I did end the Blog365 madness, but I am really not a touchy person so forget the circle, the hand holding and the chorus. Let’s just shout with a joyful voice because today is…*drum roll*… Potluck day! Today’s extravaganza of extraordinary freeness will be held in a field of daisies on a red checkered table cloth. My seven children will sing Do-Re-Mi followed by an elaborate puppet show three children will delight you with knock knock jokes that all end in “orange you glad…” followed by some bathroom humor that will get them sent to their rooms for time-out which will give us some peace and quiet for the potluck. In honor of my lovely Saturday night out with fellow bloggers, I am providing food from the nice Italian restaurant where we met: (Left to right: Me, Lisa, TX Poppet, AFF and Elaine) We really didn’t sit all in a row like we were on a blog panel. I also didn’t forget my camera, but like 99% of all photos taken of me…my eyes are closed. It was a really fun evening. These girls are very funny. It was a bonus to find out that Lisa was thrilled to ride in the minivan of death that looks like a boat from above. As you know, I have had some issues with Google. Some recent Google searches have ended here terribly wrong. BUT today I am singing the praises of the search engine powerful because it sent me someone who searched, “cute kids pictures with great expressions”. Good Google. Good Google. Another momentous moment in Nirvana-Google history also occurred with the search of the word “horridity” which I invented a few months ago and proclaimed: “*I realize this is not a word, but someday someone will Google it and find this and use it and then another and another and someday you will use it with full knowledge that you heard it here first.” –Holly, January 2008 Well, this week it happened! Someone searched my word “horridity” and ended up at the Nirvana. In research for this highly researched post, I found that I am the second site that comes up for “horridity”. I am right after the UrbanDictionary which has listed it for years…crap. Crapicity. Yep, that one is mine. Take that UrbanDictionary. Oh, and Google I better be listed FIRST when the “crapicity” search comes around. It has come to my attention that my floor was complaining about me. Ixnay the itchingbay or I am buying a bird: This is what Jenny came home to yesterday after being away from home for a few days (and her kids weren’t even home yet). Thank God she had the blogger presence to snap a picture before cleaning it up. Let’s revisit the hypothetical mother who hypothetically locked her hypothetical three children on the hypothetical back porch for a hypothetical moment of silence: This picture sums up the hypothetical children: The oldest stands at the door complaining and screaming. The middle child sits down waiting patiently for change. The youngest takes action attempting to break back in the house. Ryan asked today while chomping down on a drumstick, “If this is part of the chicken’s leg, what is he walking on?” And this joyful potluck will end on this life is grand moment: Welcome home cousin Benjamin…

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