Ready to dive into the world of money origami flowers? Today we’re sharing a tutorial to make a dollar bill origami flower in simple steps. All you need is good old one-dollar bills!

A money origami flower is more than a fun craft; it’s a great gift for special occasions like Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day. After all – who doesn’t like receiving money bouquets?!

Finished result of a dollar bill origami flower on top oa pink background. tutorial from kids activities blog
Make a fun dollar bill origami flower!

Although our origami money flower tutorial is easy enough for adults and experienced origami crafters, kids of all ages can give this dollar bill flower a try too following the pictures we’ve provided. Go get your crisp bills and get started!


Step 1:

Start with a crisp dollar bill. The right edge will become the petals of the flower. Keep it vertical and fold it in half lengthwise, then unfold it.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 1 - Start with a crisp dollar bill. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Start with a crisp dollar bill!
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 1 - The right edge will become the petals of the flower. Keep it vertical and hold it in half lengthwise. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Fold from the bottom to the top.
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 1 - Unfold it. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Unfold the last step.

Step 2:

Rotate the bill to look like the picture. For the first petal, fold the corners on the top to the center to make a triangle.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 2 - Rotate the bill vertically. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Work with your bill in this orientation.
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 2 - For the first petal, fold the corners on the top to the center to make a triangle. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Make a triangle on the top.

Step 3:

Make an accordion fold. To do this, fold the corner back and make a crease down there. Where the tip of the triangle ends, fold it the other way as shown in the picture.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 3 - Make an accordion fold. Fold the corner back and make a crease down there. Where the tip of the triangle ends, fold it the other way like shown in the picture. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Accordion folding is so much fun!
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 3 - Make an accordion fold. Fold the corner back and make a crease down there. Where the tip of the triangle ends, fold it the other way like shown in the picture. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Continue folding.

Step 4: 

Continue with the accordion fold. Fold it back where the line formed in the previous line ended.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 4 - Fold it back where the line formed in the previous line ended. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Fold until there’s only a little piece left.

Step 5:

Fold the last small part over and crease.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 5 - Fold the last part over and crease. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Fold the last part over.

Step 6:

From the top, you have two little mountains behind the point. From the bottom, two mountains and the last extra part you folded. 

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 6 - From the top, you have two little mountains behind the point. From the bottom, two mountains and the last extra part you folded. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
This is how your origami should look like from the top.

Step 7:

For the second and third petal, hold the bill with the tip pointing up and fold it down.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 7 - For the second and third petal, hold the bill with the tip pointing up and fold it down. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Make the tip point down.

Step 8: 

Fold the top right corner down into the center, then do the same with the top left corner. Don’t fold the back layer.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 8 - Fold the top right corner down into the center, then do the same with the top left corner. Don’t fold the back layer. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
Fold both corners from the first layer.

Step 9:

Take the top left point and put it inside the center.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 9 - Take the top left point and put it inside the center. Open it up, push it in and fold it back. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Open it up.
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 9 - Take the top left point and put it inside the center. Open it up, push it in and fold it back. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Push it in and fold it back.
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 9 - Take the top left point and put it inside the center. Open it up, push it in and fold it back. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Your origami craft should look something like this.

Step 10:

Repeat the previous step on the right side.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 10 - Repeat the previous step on the right side. Move the side, push it back and put it back over. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Move the side, push it back and put it back over.
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 10 - Repeat the previous step on the right side. Move the side, push it back and put it back over. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
Your origami should look like this so far.

Step 11:

Fold the tip back up.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 11 - Fold the tip back up. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Crafting blooms from paper cash!

Step 12:

Fold the right tip to meet the top tip. Make a sharp crease. 

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 12 - Fold the right tip to meet the top tip. Make a sharp crease. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
Make the right tip and the top tip meet.

Step 13:

Take the same tip and fold the top layer down halfway. Make another sharp crease.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 13 - Take the same tip and fold the top layer down halfway. Make another sharp crease. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
Continue folding to create the petal.

Step 14:

While you’re still on the right part, unfold the last step. With your nail, open the middle part and press it out. This is the second petal!

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 14 - Still on the right part, unfold the last step. With your nail, open the middle part and press it out. This is the second petal! Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
Use your nail for this step.

Step 15:

Repeat the same steps on the left side. This is your third petal!

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 15 - Repeat the same steps on the left side. Fold to the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Fold to the middle line.
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 15 - Fold this line to the edge. Unfold and press it out. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
Unfold with your nail.
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 15 - Unfold and press it out. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
Press it out.

Step 16:

Unfold one of the last accordion folds.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 16 - Unfold one of the accordion folds. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
We’re more than halfway done!

Step 17:

For the last two petals, bring the right side into the center line.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 17 - For the last two petals, bring the right side into the center line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Fold the right side.

Step 18:

Repeat on the other side, but before doing that, pull the corner a little bit just to get it out of the way.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 18 - Repeat on the other side, but before doing that, pull the corner a little bit just to get it out of the way. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Make sure to keep the little left corner in!
Dollar bill origami flower - Step 18 - Repeat on the other side, but before doing that, pull the corner a little bit just to get it out of the way. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
Piece by piece, we’re almost done.

Step 19:

Now we have all five petals, so let’s complete the flower! Fold everything in half to the right.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 19 - Fold everything in half to the right. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Fold the whole flower to the right.

Step 20:

Take the bottom tip and fold it up, wherever it folds. Open up the flower and stick the point around it. 

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 20 - Take the bottom tip and fold it up, wherever it folds. Open up the flower and stick the point around it. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
We’re almost done!

Note: At this point, the dollar will most likely try to open up so you can put it under a large stack of books or something heavy for a couple of hours or a day so it will keep its place.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 20 - Take the bottom tip and fold it up, wherever it folds. Open up the flower and stick the point around it. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
The origami will look kind of thick at this point.

Step 21:

Open your plumeria flower from the center and push the petals back a little bit.

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 21 - Open your plumeria flower from the center and push the petals back a little bit. You made a plumeria flower! Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog
Softly open your origami flower.

You made a plumeria flower!   

Dollar bill origami flower - Step 21 - Open your plumeria flower from the center and push the petals back a little bit. You made a plumeria flower! Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog

Tip: Want to take your dollar bill origami flower to the next level? Get a green pipe cleaner to use as the stem and glue it on the bottom part!


Did you enjoy making this dollar bill origami flower?

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