If your kids are space enthusiasts, they are going to love the newest offerings from NASA. 

The Space Administration has made all their photographs, videos, and audio recording available online.  

Courtesy of Nasa.gov

It’s free to browse, free to use, and extra fun to explore. Just search by a keyword and choose between images, audio, or video to see what you can find.

Courtesy of Nasa.gov

Users are able to search their entire collection as well as download photos and videos for personal uses, including for kids to use in school projects or reports.

We’ve been just enjoying looking through images from space.

Courtesy of Nasa.gov

You can find amazing images from outer space, viewing the sky and planets in new ways, along with astronauts, rocket launches, events at NASA, and more.

 We even watched a few videos featuring moon landings.  

Courtesy of Nasa.gov

Each photo also explains the circumstances behind the photo too.  The above photo of the Andromeda Galaxy, for example, is explained as:

This image is from NASA Galaxy Evolution Explorer is an observation of the large galaxy in Andromeda, Messier 31. The Andromeda galaxy is the most massive in the local group of galaxies that includes our Milky Way.

Courtesy of Nasa.gov

While you’re hanging around at home, you can explore some awesome astronomy ideas with Nasa’s gallery.

You can check out NASA’s full image gallery here.

Courtesy of Nasa.gov

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